(original air date March 2016)

Is Moderation Possible?
Ok, I struggle with this, I really do. To me, abstinence from some foods does seem so much easier than moderating my intake – especially with trigger foods like sugar, nut butters and other items on my list. But, sometimes my “food rules” send me spiraling into what today’s guest calls the “What the Hell” effect. For me, it looks something like this:
I’m hungry or I want something to eat (there’s a difference!)
I can’t eat that, because it’s not on my ‘good’ list
I’ll eat this, this and this instead.
Dammit, I still want that.
I’m terrible. What a failure. I think I’ll eat something since I’m already a total loss.
Have you ever been there? Jill Coleman, creator of JillFIt has, and today she’s telling us how she got off the merry-go-round of deprivation, food rules, cravings, binges and all the noise and found a place of balance.
Offensive strategies to prevent binge eating
The critical role of mindfulness in eating — and why we avoid it
Exposure Therapy – how not restricting might eventually lead to not needing to
Moderation is a concept that I struggle with. Jill used to, but not any more….how Jill moved from deprivation and binge eating to moderation 365 days a year (and looks and feels consistently amazing)
The dangers of the “what the hell” effect
The power of the PAUSE
Where to start with exposure therapy and moderation
Leveraging the power of DNCs (Daily Nutritional Commitments) that are:
Effective for your goals
Jill’s best blogs/tips, including:

Jill Coleman is creator and owner of JillFit. Here’s more about her approach, in her own words:
It was in 2011, that I finally had the courage to try a new, more moderate way of doing things. I stopped the incessant food prep and obsession. I quit the relentless meal plan following. I started looking inward and trusting myself more. I started listening to my body more. I stopped following coaches and experts. And I finally had the courage to break the yo-yo cycle. The answer for me was in the gray. No more negative self-talk. No more all-or-nothing eating. No more hard & fast rules.
The outcome was not only effective, but completely liberating. And now it is my mission and my passion to teach other women how to break that cycle. To start fully owning their process. To start working on their mind game so that they can create a life they love. This includes all aspects: mindset, physique and even business.
Since 2012, JillFit has morphed into a lifestyle company helping women become freer, smarter, happier and more effective. And to me, that’s everything.
What are YOUR Daily Nutritional Commitments?
Let me know in the comments! xx Ella
*original air date March 2016. We're slowly rebuilding the show notes for episodes 001-200 which were lost in the 'Great Hack of 2020.' If you are looking for a particular episode, email us and we'll do our best to recreate them for you!

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xxoo Ella