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216: Unlock Your Unique Purpose through Human Design - Ahram Arya

On Air with Ella - episode 216

Ahram Arya is a Human Design Guide attuned to inspire your higher purpose and unlock your power to create the life that you were meant for. Human Design begins with your birthday, but it’s not like traditional astrology. It is much more far-reaching, based on many more factors. The empirical information in your Human Design gives you applicable tools to change your life right now.⁣

In this episode, Ahram introduces us to the art and science Human Design, including:

  • Human Design starts with the idea that you were coded by the universe at the moment you were born. Read this great article for an overview.

  • What does this mean - and how to we leverage it - for decision making, creating a flow state and even "finding our purpose?"

  • How Human Design makes the ancient Chinese wisdom I Ching "usable" for us to know ourselves better

  • What "TYPE" are you? Manifestor, Generator, Projector, Reflector

  • What is the SELF and NOT-SELF?

  • Your mind is not your authority; how to listen to your body

  • Creating your personal destiny and manifesting the life you want through deep self-awareness


Ahram is giving away a free bodygraph mapping and 90-minute session! He will interpret your bodygraph, including your:

human design chart
  • TYPE: What kind of person you are

  • STRATEGY: How you ought to make decisions

  • AUTHORITY: How you access bodily energy to make decisions

  • PROFILE: Your combination of conscious and unconscious personality traits

This session was extremely powerful for me, and I am so excited that you can experience it, too. See a discount below - we ALL win! :-)


1) Post a review for the On Air with Ella podcast in Apple Podcasts

- AND/OR -

2) Screenshot and share your favorite OAWE show on Instagram and tag @onairwithella ...or anything other way you want to authentically share something the show has brought you. Don't forget to tag me!


3) Send me a screenshot via email or Instagram DM

THAT'S IT!! When you share the love, you are entered. You can enter more than once.

The winner will be announced by Sept 15th (and I will update this post!)

Ahram Human Design



Questions? Contact me

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xxoo Ella


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