On Air with Ella podcast - episode 328

NOTE: This episode first aired in the midst of all that was 2020.
We're often told that relationships are a 50-50 venture, but I disagree. Taking 100% responsibility for our actions and attitudes can revolutionize the way we love and connect.
My husband Jeremy is back to chat love and marriage - and making it all work for the long haul. If you didn't catch his first visit, I highly recommend listening to episode 186 "Secrets of My Marriage" (via this Apple Podcasts link or this Spotify link!)
Connection and communication to create intimacy
Power of physical touch in diffusing conflicts and creating connection
Creating an 'aspirational' marriage
Taking 100% responsibility (versus 50% each)
Importance of timing for deep and meaningful conversations
Importance of understanding love languages in marriage
Words of affirmation are critical...for everyone?
Tips for having difficult conversations
Mutual respect and understanding of individual time and space
Understanding your communication tendencies
Importance of encouragement and support in marriage
5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman (book)
The 4 Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin (book)
On Air with Ella Episode 186: "Secrets of My Marriage"
On Air with Ella Episode 037: Gretchen Rubin on the 4 Tendencies
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