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Form Before Performance: How to Manage Unrealistic Expectations & Make Sustainable Progress

Episode 415 - On Air with Ella

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You know how we sometimes want everything to happen right now - and then beat ourselves up when it doesn't?

Yep, me too.

I'm sharing my own experiences about when I've barreled into things expecting instant results, and then felt frustrated when I didn't hit my goals right away. But here's the thing: whether it's in fitness, business, or even our relationships, it's all about building a strong foundation first. We can't expect to perform at our best without putting in the groundwork.

To me, it seems that whenever we are trying to pursue something like a goal or an achievement, we want the outcome when we want it - which is NOW, please. And another tendency that I observe regularly is that we beat ourselves up for not being at a destination at which we believe that we should have already arrived.

That's what we're talking about in this episode - and how we can change our focus to get better, more sustainable (and rewarding?) results!

I created this mythological result, this expectation for myself that nothing in my life was supporting.

Reflecting on Our Own Journeys

Self-Reflection Questions

  1. Areas for Improvement: Where in your life are you expecting results without laying the necessary foundation?

  2. Self-Compassion Check: Are you being too hard on yourself or others for not achieving certain milestones, especially when you are still in the process of learning and growing?

  3. Avoidance Check: In what area have you been avoiding building the foundation (the form), making performance (results) more difficult to achieve?

Get the full transcript here.

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